
Current Course Offerings (Aktuelle Kursangebote):


BIO.309, "Biostatistik" <prüfung_html> <datei> <antwortenblatt_2023>

PLA.109UB, "Scaling Biodiversity"

LV 649.876: Bayesian Statistics and Hierarchical Modelling <link>


 649.500: Folgen des Klimawandels im Gebirge

BUI.01615UB: Freilanddidaktik

BUC.05401UB: Lebensweise heimischer Pilze und Pflanzen

649.210: Modul Fernerkundung und GIS: Einführung

BIO.910: Vegetation Ecology

Sommer- und Wintersemester:

PLA.120UB: Projektlabor Biodiversität

649.870: Design, Analyse und Diskussion wissenschaftlicher Forschung

Link to Uni Graz teaching site: <link>

General Information:

I currently teach in the Division of Plant Sciences, at the University of Graz's Institute of Biology, including classes in ecology, statistics, dynamical systems models, and botany.  In the past, I have taught in a variety of settings, including short courses on field and analysis methods at the Cedar Creek LTER and iDiv, and through more formal classes at the University of Minnesota and University of California, Santa Barbara.

I'm particularly interested in ecological methods courses for advanced undergraduates and graduate students. I think that a strong understanding of modern analysis methods is essential to doing good ecology today, and I'm always looking for more effective teaching methods to include in my courses. If you have suggestions (or complaints!) please email me!

Below, I have posted slides and notes for classes that I have taught or designed, as well as some advice on applying to graduate school, and some notes on my teaching philosophy. If you'd like to add anything to the notes on applying to grad school, please feel free to email me, or to update the information on the Github page.

Teaching Resources:

Free eBook Textbook: Clarence Lehman, Shelby Loberg, and Adam T. Clark. (2019). Quantitative Ecology: A New Unified Approach. University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing. University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, http://hdl.handle.net/11299/204551. <link> <pdf><review>

Exercises and practice questions for the ebook: <link>

This ebook is arose as a summary of an introductory ecology course taught by Clarence Lehman, Shelby Loberg, and me at the University of Minnesota. It covers principles of ecology ranging from populations to ecosystems, including human populations, disease, exotic organisms, habitat fragmentation, biodiversity, and global dynamics. The book also includes reformulated and unified versions of some of the most commonly used ecological equations to make them more accessible to the reader and easier to teach. Although we make ample use of computer programming in the textbook and practice questions, the book is meant to be approachable for students with no prior background in ecology or programming.

Notes on applying to graduate school:

The Graduate School Cookbook: One way to approach PhD applications in ecology <link> <pdf> <github>

This document is a collection of thoughts on the graduate school application process that I've collected over the years from friends and colleagues. If you have any comments on items to add or change, please let me know, either through email, or through the Github page.

Teaching philosophy statement:

Teaching Portfolio (Summary of Teaching Activities at Uni Graz): <pdf>

Statement of Personal Teaching Philosophy <pdf>

A discussion of how I go about teaching, including a description of some of the methods that I've found to be most effective in getting students to enjoy class and effectively learn course content.

Courses I've Taught at University of Graz:


BUI.01615UB, Freilanddidaktik

Lecture: <link>

BUC.05401UB, Lebensweise heimischer Pilze und Pflanzen

Lectures: <link>

649.113, "A (very slow) introduction to scientific programming in R":

Lecture slides: <link>

Course description: <link>

PLA.212UB, Naturraumplanung mit GIS- und RS-Methoden;

Kurs 3: <Folien>

Kurs 4: <Folien> <Daten>

649.500, "Folgen des Klimawandels im Gebirge"

BIO.910, "Vegetation Ecology"


PLA.109UB, "Scaling Biodiversity":

Lecture 6: Taxonomic and Phylogenetic Scale: <video> <slides>

Lecture 7: Evolution and Island Systems: <video> <slides>

BIO.309, "Biostatistik"

PLA.107UB, "Grundlagen der Biodiversität der Pflanzen"

Summer and Winter:

PLA.120UB, "Projektlabor Biodiversität"

649.870, "Design, Analyse und Diskussion wissenschaftlicher Forschung"

Other Courses I've Taught:

Fall 2019

Martin-Luther-Universität (Halle) Spatial Ecology Course:

Gause competition data collection sheet: <link>

Gause data figure: <link>

Full Gause data and code: <link>

Gause project resources: <link>

Fall 2018

Martin-Luther-Universität (Halle) Spatial Ecology Course:

Human population over time data:  <link>

Human population over time code: <link>

Gause competition data: <link>

Gause competition code: <link>

Spatial competition/colonization model code: <link>

Summer 2018

yDiv/HIGRADE Networks and Coexistence Summer Course:

Workshop: Time Series Analysis for Analyzing Complex and Coupled Dynamics

Lecture slides: <link>

Workshop code scrips: <link>

Summer 2017

Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center Summer School:

Understanding Risks and Resilience in Plant Systems

Workshop: Empirical Dynamic Modeling: Time Series Analysis for

Predicting Future Dynamics and Testing Causal Links

Lecture slides: <link>

Workshop code scrips: <link>

Summer 2016

EEB 3407/5407: Introduction to Ecology (Lab Section)

Intensive field course taught at Cedar Creek LTER (lecture section taught by Dr. Forest Isbell)

Course syllabus <link>

Lab manual <link> 

Fall 2013

EEB 8990-002: A (very short) introduction to R programming

Course syllabus <pdf>

Class slides <pdf>

Teaching awards I've won:

Fall 2013

Award for Outstanding Performance as a Teaching Assistant for the College of Biological Sciences. For BIOL 3407 and EEB 8990-002.

Past Courses I've TAed:

Spring 2016

ESM 201: Ecology of Managed Ecosystems

Course syllabus <pdf>

Course notes <zip>

Fall 2015

EEB 5053: Ecology: Theory and Concepts

Course syllabus <pdf>


Simple math review sheet: <pdf>

Review for R, Mathematica, and Maxima programming: <pdf>

Notes on Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors: <pdf>

Notes on Taylor Series expansions for stability analysis: <pdf>

Guest Lectures:

Takens Theorem & Schaffer’s Application to Ecology: <pdf>

Takens Theorem & the Sugihara versus Granger Approach to Causality: <pdf>

Spring 2015

ESM 201: Ecology of Managed Systems

Guest Lecture: The Ecology of Humans: Land Clearing, Habitat Destruction, the Extinction Debt <pdf>

Fall 2012 & Fall 2013

BIOL 3407/5407: Introduction to Ecology

Review videos <video 1>; <video 2>